Looking for a flight deal with no hidden extras

By Global Travel Worldwide

There are lots of flight deals online that tempt you in and then as you navigate the basket, nasty hidden extras appear. The £1 ticket to Malaga suddenly has a £34 airport tax surcharge and the return flight is £170 without baggage. The £299 return to Orlando is for a flight that leaves a regional airport with 3 stopovers and has an 18 hour stopover.

We are constantly being asked for prices for long haul flight and we appear not to be competitive until the hidden charges appear. Our Directors took it upon themselves to start a long haul flight centre, exclusively for people that want one price, no hidden extras and direct flights rather than multiple stopovers.

We have access to the latest prices for long haul flights, a live system that hosts all the major airlines and a few regional operators. We found a morning flight to Orlando in September for £540pp return and it included 22kgs baggage and all taxes. The same flight on a well known flight comparison site was advertised at £360 return but it didn’t include baggage and taxes.

Flight prices are also affected by the time you want to fly and the airline route. We use Virgin Atlantic for trips to Orlando or New York, Emirates for Dubai and Etihad for Doha. Obvious choices some would say, and we’d agree, but these carriers fly all the time to the destinations, disruption is minimal as are delays. The price on the website is no-nonsense and we can match them in a few cases.

Some airlines are £100-200 more expensive on transatlantic routes, if you want a morning flight, baggage and good seat you have to pay for it but there are some amazing deals to be had if you know when you’re looking to travel and don’t mind stopovers.

During a search, we found a business class fare to Vancouver with KLM for £1,400pp return, it had a stopover for 3 hours but that’s a small price to pay when you have access to one of the best airport lounges in the world in Amsterdam. We also recommend flying hub to hub if possible, this gives you access to a stopover in a city to do some sightseeing, relaxing or catch up on some sleep that you didn’t get on the flight.

If you’re looking for a long haul deal, give us a call and let’s see if we can match or beat the deals you’ve found.

Call 01978 350850 

For more information call us today on 01978 350850


On Key

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